Friday, April 20, 2012

Finding Community at Jane Addams

The following was written by senior Mallory Carstens about her work with Bonner and what has been most meaningful for her. 


I have had many placements in Bonner. My first placement was with the Employment Action Center, RESOURCE Inc. I spent two years at this site and this experience really introduced me to the community in which Augsburg is located. It is here that I discovered my interest in working with people and in the community. I have since worked with Kaleidoscope Place, the Center for Democracy and Citizenship, the Jane Addams School, Centro Guadalupano/Holy Rosary Church, and the FAIR School Downtown.

The Jane Addams School for Democracy has been the most meaningful placement for me. The Jane Addams School for Democracy is an initiative of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship located in Saint Paul’s West Side neighborhood. Here, neighborhood residents, immigrant and refugee families, youth, and college students and faculty gather for dialogue, education, and public work. Jane Addams School believes that everyone is a teacher and a learner and that bringing people together can create change. There are currently three circles: the East African circle, the Spanish circle, and a Youth circle. A typical night is something like this: I come with the goal of improving my Spanish writing skills, and partner with a woman studying for the U.S. Citizenship test in Spanish. Together, we work on our learning goals, but also discuss our favorite foods and how to prepare them, our families, current events, and other topics relevant to the neighborhood in which we both live. After an hour of studying, everyone comes together for a bi-lingual conversation. Topics include anything from health, recreation, and families, to politics, environmental issues, and culture. Sometimes all circles come together for celebrations, discussions, or field trips.

My connection to Jane Addams School became even stronger after studying for a semester in Cuernavaca, Mexico. While in Mexico I had the opportunity to live with a Mexican family, study the current relations between the U.S. and Mexico, and learn from many social workers and activists. This experience increased my interest in studying immigration in Minnesota with a particular interest in the experience of Latino immigrants. Returning to Jane Addams School I had increased Spanish language ability but also a new insight into the culture and background of many of the participants.

One of my fondest memories was last summer at an end of the summer celebration. Every circle prepared food, games, and activities for all to participate in. We shared a meal, dancing, and games in the park. One game in particular will always stick with me; a moment that I think illustrates the spirit of Jane Addams School. Everyone gathered in a large circle for a game of ‘hot potato’. Although the circle included people of many different backgrounds, languages, ages, and abilities, all were able to participate, and despite the language barrier, it was apparent in all of the smiles and laughter that everyone was enjoying themselves.

Jane Addams School has given me the opportunity to meet incredible people. I have shared stories, experiences, and memories with the people I have met at Jane Addams. As I graduate from Augsburg and the Bonner Program I look forward to remaining involved with the Jane Addams School.

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